Monday, January 28, 2013

Local Leader makes a positive impact on community

A local principal and friend from Northern Kentucky goes above and beyond to make a difference for cancer research. His journey began on January 27, running 27 miles on US 27.  His efforts encouraged others to donate $27.00 to cancer research. He shared that he did it for his boys and also because he believes that the research can truly make a difference!

Read more: Highland Heights!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Assessment for Learning

From goal setting to clear learning targets, assessment for learning is making a difference for student learning.
(After you click on the link, locate the Assessment for Learning link on right side of screen)
Students who can identify what they are learning signifiantly outscore those who cannot.   --Marzano

One To One Reading


One to One Reading will be coming to Pendleton County Schools on January 8th.  Our first group of mentors will be trained and ready to make a difference for kids! Many more smiles to come!!