Thursday, December 19, 2013

Students in Mrs. Hopp's class exploring their new reading books. She recorded the“big reveal"--this will definitely bring a smile to your face! Thanks to the BOE for making such an important purchase for our kids! J
Students in Mrs. Hopp's class exploring their new reading books.  She recorded the “big reveal"--this will definitely bring a smile to your face!  Thanks to the BOE for making such an important purchase for our kids! J

Here is the link:

Literacy Training in PCS!

Teachers teach kids to Read....What a powerful gift!

Making a Curriculum Transition Document and Checking it "twice"!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Backpack Meals for Kids

Highlights from Fall 2013

My goal of keeping this blog was to document the many great things that are occurring in PCS.  Many of these items are not the overarching events but the smaller events that significantly impact student learning. For example,  a specific learning experience that I was fortunate to "catch" or even significant events that I know make up the everyday occurrences that contribute to making students College and Career Ready.

Paddle like a duck....

From my years as a principal, the "duck" became a symbol that I would refer to throughout my leadership. The quote: Always behave like a duck - keep calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like crazy underneath---became my motto.  This school year has been an exceptional example of the need to "Be like a Duck".   It has brought many positive student successes but an over-abundance of crisis situations that impact students.  In paddling like a duck, I have "set the blog" aside but plan on catching up as there are many great things to share.